Are you moving to Dallas, Texas for a job or business? The first thing, you need for anything or even everything is an ID document. Without any form of ID, life seems to be stopped. You probably need a Driver’s License for mobility as the public transport in Dallas. You may commute to your office might take 45-60 minutes by using DART. Whereas, you may reach your home or office in just 7-15 minutes with your vehicle! Taking a license can be a wise decision if you wish to save your valuable time. If you are researching the process of getting the license, then you will find that it takes somewhere from 1.5 months to 3 months to get an appointment at the DMV.
Are you ready to get your Texas driver’s license? You might be wondering: whether you can obtain a DPS road test without booking an appointment! The short answer is NO. Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) offices typically require prior appointments for driving tests! Let’s explore your options and what you can do to get tested as soon as possible. Here’s how:
The estimated Time Needed documentation is around a half day. The law states that you must present to prove the various sections. You can find the details here and there. The non-immigrants on H1B or any other Visa must present proof (1) of Lawful Presence in the USA & Proof (2) of Residency in Texas! Fill and print the necessary application form with due diligence.
ITTD Course Completion Certificate:
You need to present the ITTD Course Completion Certificate. You can get by joining an Impact Texas Drivers (ITD) Program that may take 1–3 hours. Texas Law mandates that you must complete the Awareness Video applicable to you as per your age. It highly recommends paying undivided attention to the video as Texas witnesses a large number of road accidents due to unfocussed driving. Once you complete the awareness video, you will be assigned a completion certificate which is valid for 90 days.
Read the Driver’s Handbook
You must appear for the online test that will be taken at the DPS center. Please thoroughly read the Driver’s Handbook published by the department. You will learn a lot of things that you had earlier taken for granted. Once you are done, have a look at a few practice questions.
You will need to secure an appointment at the DPS office twice. Once for the learner’s Driver’s License and then for the Actual Driver’s License. There’s a hack in securing an appointment which could be a hard way. The appointment portal refreshes daily at 7 AM CT for the current day. Wake up before 7 and log in to the Get-In-Line portal. Secure the appointment for the earliest slot (get ahead of the traffic and the crowd).
Make sure that you carry all the documents listed above along with the Application Fee. Once you are at the DPS center, wait for your turn, and submit the documentation and the fees. The officer will collect your biometrics and perform a vision test. You will be then allotted a computer to appear for the Knowledge Test. You can pass the test easily. Once done, you will be called back and issued a Learner’s License.
Behind the Wheel Test:
This is where everyone is cantered around. Securing an appointment for the Behind-the-Wheel test takes months. Texas DMV has a flexibility where you can appear the test at a private 3rd Party center. You can join DFW Driving Training School as we are one of the leading 3rd Party Driving test in Irving where you can appear for the Test. You can enroll for the test, at a very budget-friendly price.
It is recommended to take an hour of car diving lesson even though you are an expert. The driving lesson helps as a mock test for the actual behind-the-wheel test. Once your (1-2 hour) lessons are done, let our team know that you are ready to appear for the Behind-the-Wheel test. That’s it! Appear for the test and clear it. You will be mostly appearing for your test with the same instructor you took lessons from. But that doesn’t mean that the instructor will allot grace points towards your mistake. Rules are after all Rules!
After you clear the test, we will enclose the test results in a sealed envelope. You will need to submit this sealed envelope (test results) to the DMV to convert your Learner’s License into a Driver’s License. Never OPEN the envelope yourself. Follow our instructions. We assure you that you will be securing your license in the fastest way possible. To ensure you get tested without unnecessary delays, always schedule your DPS road test ahead of time.